SELLERS December 25, 2023

12 Professional Home Staging Hacks to Get Your House Ready to Sell


Home Staging Hacks 1-4


Inspiration Sources: Gain inspiration from interior design studios, model homes, and furniture stores. 

  • Interior Design Studios: Firstly, these are professional spaces dedicated to showcasing design concepts, furniture arrangements, and decor elements. Secondly, visiting such studios can provide firsthand experience of well-thought-out design ideas and aesthetics.
  • Model Homes: On the other hand, model homes are often constructed by builders as examples of what a finished home in a particular development might look like. Specifically, these homes are meticulously staged to appeal to potential buyers. Additionally, they offer a real-world application of design principles tailored to modern living.
  • Furniture Stores: Similarly, furniture stores, especially those that emphasize room settings or interior layouts, can be a treasure trove of inspiration. By observing how professionals set up displays or room vignettes, homeowners can get ideas on furniture arrangement, color coordination, and decor styling.


Kitchen Focus: The kitchen is crucial. Clean, declutter, and organize the space. Consider painting cabinets or updating hardware if needed.

  • Importance: The kitchen stands out as a crucial area in home staging.
  • Cleaning: Ensure the kitchen is thoroughly cleaned, with a focus on all surfaces, including countertops, appliances, and windows.
  • Decluttering: Remove unnecessary items from countertops and other visible areas to create a spacious and tidy look.
  • Organization: Neatly organize cabinets, drawers, and pantry spaces. This ensures potential buyers see the kitchen’s functionality and storage capabilities.
  • Upgrades: If the kitchen’s cabinets look worn or outdated, consider giving them a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, updating hardware like handles and knobs can provide a modern touch without a full renovation.



Master Bedroom: Focus on cleanliness and minimalism. Update with a new comforter and pillows, and ensure personal items are cleared away.

  • Cleanliness: Ensure the master bedroom is spotless. Dust surfaces, vacuum or clean the floors, and wipe down any fixtures.
  • Minimalism: Less is more. Reduce clutter by removing unnecessary furniture or decor items. This creates a more spacious and serene atmosphere.
  • Bedding Refresh: Invest in a fresh comforter that complements the room’s color scheme or overall aesthetic. Updated pillows can add a pop of color or texture.
  • Personal Items: Clear away personal photos, mementos, or items like jewelry, cosmetics, or books. The goal is to allow potential buyers to envision themselves in the space, which is harder if the room feels overly personalized.

By focusing on these aspects, the master bedroom can become a tranquil retreat that appeals to a broad range of potential buyers.



Furniture Placement: Consider renting a storage unit to store excess furniture. Properly placed furniture enhances the home’s appeal.

  • Storage Solution: To declutter and enhance the presentation of your home, think about renting a storage unit. This is especially useful for storing excess or bulky furniture items that might overcrowd living spaces.
  • Enhanced Appeal: Properly arranging the remaining furniture in the home can create a sense of spaciousness and flow. Potential buyers can visualize themselves in the space more easily when it’s uncluttered and well-organized.

By optimizing furniture placement and removing unnecessary pieces, you can make rooms appear larger, more inviting, and ultimately more appealing to prospective buyers.


Home Staging Hacks 5-8


Curtains & Drapes: Replace outdated ones with current styles from stores like Target, HomeGoods, or Walmart.

When staging a home for sale, curtains and drapes play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall aesthetic. Here are some key points regarding curtains and drapes:

  • Significance: Updated curtains can modernize a space, making it feel fresh and inviting. Conversely, outdated styles can make a room appear dated.
  • Budget-Friendly Options: Stores like Target, HomeGoods, and Walmart offer a variety of affordable yet stylish curtain options. These stores frequently update their inventory to reflect current trends, ensuring homeowners have access to contemporary designs without breaking the bank.
  • Consider the Room: The choice of curtain or drape should align with the room’s purpose and ambiance. For instance, sheer curtains can introduce lightness to a living room, while blackout curtains may be more suitable for bedrooms to ensure privacy and darkness.
  • Length and Fit: Properly fitted curtains that touch the floor can give the illusion of higher ceilings and a more spacious room. It’s essential to measure windows accurately and choose the appropriate curtain length.
  • Neutral Colors: When staging a home for sale, it’s generally advisable to opt for neutral colors for curtains. Neutral shades can appeal to a broader range of potential buyers and provide a clean, cohesive look to the space.

In conclusion, while curtains and drapes serve functional purposes in a home, they also significantly influence the home’s aesthetics. Investing in contemporary and well-fitted curtains can elevate the overall appeal of a staged home and potentially contribute to faster and more favorable sales outcomes.



Highlight Best Features: Recognize and enhance unique aspects of your home, such as fireplaces or large laundry rooms.

When preparing a home for sale, it’s essential to identify and accentuate its standout features. This not only captures potential buyers’ attention but also adds value to the property. Some strategies to highlight these features include:

  • Emphasize Architectural Details: Furthermore, if your home has unique architectural features like arched doorways, crown molding, or intricate ceiling designs, ensure they are well-lit and showcased.
  • Showcase Natural Light: In addition, if your home receives ample natural light, especially through large windows or skylights, ensure curtains or blinds are open during showings. Natural light can make spaces feel larger and more inviting.
  • Fireplace Appeal: Similarly, if your home has a fireplace, make it a focal point. Ensure it’s clean, well-maintained, and accessorized appropriately. During colder months, consider lighting a fire during showings to create a cozy ambiance.
  • Highlight Outdoor Spaces: Likewise, if your property boasts a beautiful garden, patio, or balcony, ensure these areas are tidy and staged with comfortable furniture or decorative elements. Outdoor spaces can significantly enhance a home’s appeal, especially for buyers who enjoy outdoor living.
  • Storage Solutions: Moreover, if your home offers ample storage, such as walk-in closets, built-in shelving, or a spacious garage, ensure these areas are organized and clutter-free. Highlighting storage solutions can appeal to buyers looking for functional spaces.
  • Energy-Efficient Features: Additionally, if your home has energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, or other eco-friendly features, make sure to highlight these. With growing awareness about sustainability, many buyers prioritize energy-efficient homes.
  • Unique Amenities: Lastly, features like a wine cellar, home theater, or a large laundry room can be significant selling points. Ensure these spaces are clean, well-lit, and staged to showcase their potential.
  • In essence, the goal is to present your home in the best possible light, emphasizing its unique features and amenities. By doing so, you can create a lasting impression on potential buyers and increase the chances of a quicker sale at a favorable price.



Declutter: Remove unnecessary items from surfaces like coffee tables, dining tables, and bookshelves. Follow the rule of threes in design.

The advice here emphasizes the importance of minimalism and organization in home staging:

  • Remove Unnecessary Items: Start by taking away items that don’t serve a functional or aesthetic purpose. This can include excess decor, old magazines, or random items that don’t contribute to the room’s overall look.
  • Surfaces: Coffee tables, dining tables, and bookshelves often accumulate clutter over time. By clearing them off, you create a cleaner and more open space that allows potential buyers to envision their own items in the space.
  • Rule of Threes: This is a design principle that suggests arranging items in groups of three. This can be applied to decor items like vases, candles, or books. The idea is that odd-numbered groupings are more visually appealing and balanced than even-numbered ones. For instance, on a coffee table, you might have three candles of varying heights, or on a bookshelf, you could group three decorative items together.

By decluttering and adhering to the rule of threes, you create a visually pleasing and organized environment that can help showcase the best features of the home.



Organize Paperwork: Store away all mail and paperwork from counters and desks.

  • Sort Through: Initially, start by sorting through all the paperwork on your counters and desks. After categorizing them into sections such as bills, personal correspondence, and important documents, proceed to the next step.
  • Shred or Discard: Next, for any unnecessary or outdated documents, it’s essential to securely shred them to safeguard your personal information. Additionally, discard any items that no longer serve a purpose or are outdated.
  • Create a System: To ensure systematic storage and easy access, establish a filing system for the essential paperwork. Utilizing tools like folders, binders, or file cabinets can be beneficial. Furthermore, labeling each category clearly will streamline the retrieval process.
  • Digitalize: In today’s digital age, it’s prudent to consider scanning important documents and preserving them digitally. This not only minimizes paper clutter but also offers a backup solution in the event of loss or damage.
  • Designate a Space: To maintain organization consistently, designate a specific area in your home—be it a home office or a dedicated drawer—for storing paperwork. It’s crucial to ensure that this designated space remains organized and free from unnecessary items.
  • Regular Maintenance: Lastly, to prevent a recurrence of clutter, set aside dedicated time intervals, perhaps once a month, to review and organize new paperwork. By doing so, you’ll effectively manage the influx of documents and uphold the efficiency of your organized system.

By implementing these steps, you can effectively organize your paperwork, reducing clutter and ensuring important documents are readily accessible when needed.


Home Staging Hacks 9-12


Bedroom Staging Hack: If converting a bedroom to an office, consider using a plastic folding table as a makeshift bed to showcase the room’s true purpose.

Instead of leaving the room empty or with an office desk, which might confuse potential buyers about the room’s original purpose, you can use a plastic folding table to create a makeshift bed. By placing a bedspread or comforter over the table and adding some pillows, it gives the illusion of a bed, reinforcing that the space is indeed a bedroom. This can help potential buyers visualize the room’s original function and its potential uses.



Spa-like Bathrooms: Clean thoroughly, repaint, and update fixtures. Add spa-like accessories for ambiance.

Creating a spa-like bathroom ambiance can enhance the appeal and relaxation factor of the space. Here’s a more detailed breakdown based on the given points:

Clean Thoroughly:

  • Scrub tiles, grout, and all surfaces to remove any mold, mildew, or soap scum.
  • Ensure that faucets, sinks, and tubs are sparkling clean.
  • Clean mirrors and ensure they’re streak-free for a clear reflection.


  • Choose calming colors like soft blues, greens, or neutral tones to evoke a spa-like atmosphere.
  • Ensure that the paint is fresh, without chipping or discoloration.
  • Consider using moisture-resistant paint for areas prone to moisture like around the shower or bathtub.

Update Fixtures:

  • Replace old or tarnished faucets, showerheads, and handles with newer, sleeker models.
  • Consider adding a rainfall showerhead for a luxurious touch.
  • Upgrade towel bars, robe hooks, and other hardware to match the overall aesthetic.

Spa-like Accessories:

  • Towels: Invest in plush, high-quality towels in neutral or calming colors. Display them neatly, perhaps rolled or folded.
  • Bath Mats: Choose soft, absorbent mats in coordinating colors. Bamboo mats can add a spa feel.
  • Candles: Opt for scented candles with calming scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or chamomile. Ensure they’re placed safely away from flammable materials.
  • Plants: Incorporate some greenery like bamboo, orchids, or ferns. Ensure they’re suitable for bathroom humidity and lighting conditions.
  • Storage: Use natural or bamboo baskets to store toiletries. Consider adding a small stool or bench for seating or displaying items.
  • Artwork: Select serene artwork or prints that complement the color scheme and ambiance.

By integrating these elements, you can transform a regular bathroom into a serene, spa-like retreat that potential buyers will find appealing and relaxing.



Scent Sensibility: Avoid overwhelming the house with too many room fresheners. Opt for natural scents like fresh flowers or scented candles.

When preparing a home for sale, the aroma of a space can play a crucial role in potential buyers’ impressions. While it’s tempting to use multiple room fresheners or strong fragrances to create a pleasant ambiance, it’s essential to exercise restraint.

  • Avoid Overwhelm: An overpowering scent can be a deterrent. It might give the impression that the seller is trying to mask underlying odors or issues in the home. Instead of a barrage of artificial scents, aim for a subtle, inviting aroma.
  • Natural Scents: Fresh flowers can be an excellent choice as they not only provide a pleasant fragrance but also add a touch of elegance and life to a room. Scented candles, especially those with natural essential oils, can also be a good option. They provide a soft, warm glow and a subtle aroma that can make a space feel cozy.
  • Stay Neutral: When opting for scents, choose ones that are neutral or universally appealing. Avoid overly floral or musky scents, as they might not be to everyone’s taste.
  • Open Windows: One of the best ways to refresh a space naturally is by opening windows to let in fresh air. This can help in reducing any stale or closed-in odors.
  • Stay Consistent: If you’re using scents, ensure consistency throughout the home. This means avoiding a mix of conflicting fragrances that can confuse or overwhelm potential buyers.

In summary, while scent plays a role in creating ambiance, moderation and natural choices are key when staging a home for sale.



Closet Organization: Clear out and organize all closets to make them appear more spacious. Consider storing excess items off-site.

Purpose: The goal is to make closets appear larger and more organized to potential buyers.


  • Clear Out: Remove unnecessary items, especially those that aren’t regularly used.
  • Organize: Arrange remaining items neatly. Using storage bins, dividers, or hangers can help maximize space and create a tidy appearance.
  • Off-Site Storage: For items that are out of season or rarely used, consider storing them in an off-site storage unit. This declutters the space, making the closet look more spacious.

Home Staging Benefits: A well-organized and spacious-looking closet can give buyers the impression of ample storage space, which is often a significant selling point for homes.



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